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All conference attendees are eligible to access information presented at the 12th National Investigations Symposium.

Alister McCulloch and David Sordello, ibac
Corruption investigations in corrections facilities 

Benoit Leclerc, Griffith University
Boosting Crime Scene Investigations Capabilities Through Crime Script Analysis

Chris Wheeler, NSW Ombudsman
Improving government services - The Complaint Handling Improvement Project
Investigations into Water Compliance in NSW
Exploring new ways to better protect whistleblowers

Conor McGarrity, Risk Insights Pty Ltd
Data analysis in your integrity toolkit

Emeritus Professor Geoff Gallop AC, The University of Sydney

The fourth arm of government

Gregory Love, Australian Taxation Office
Challenging investigation - Australian Taxation Office

Grevis Beard, Worklogic Pty Ltd
A workplace investigation hypothetical 

Hannah Uther and Wilf Mortmier, NSW Crime Commission
The take down of Phantom Secure

Ian Galvin, NSW Treasury
Balancing regulatory obligations against the public interest to achieve sound investigative outcomes

Dr Jamie Orchard, Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency

A practical model to improve the acceptance of decisions by complainants 

Professor John McMillan AO, Australian National University
Procedural fairness and investigations

Karen James, The University of Sydney
Challenging interviews and interactions

Katharine Ovenden, NSW Department of Education
Complaint Handling Improvement Program

Kathleen Clough, NSW ICAC
Tightening the gaps: how to mitigate internal fraud and the role of forensic accountants in fraud investigations

Michael Easton and Sarah Frost, Integrity Commission Tasmania

Building capacity: good practice guide to managing misconduct for public authorities

Michelle Robinson and Jean-Michel Carriere, NSW Department of Justice
Procurement transformation in the aftermath of a corruption finding: a case study

Mary Davitt, Hanlon's Employment Relations Consultants
Managing the employment relationship during and after the investigation
Professor Penny Cooper, University of London and Barrister, and Peter Yeomans APM, NSW Police Force

Innovation and adaption: interviewing people with cognitive impairment

Peter Harvey, WEIR Consulting Pty Ltd
A practical guide to using analytical and critical thinking in investigations 

Roy Cottam, City of Sydney Council 
Benefits of enhancing the internal investigation capacity and fraud prevention program 

Valerie Griswold, NSW Fair Trading
How to build robust internal and external regulatory networks to eliminate silos and exploit coregulatory partnerships  

Wim Vandekerckhove, University of Greenwich and Work & Employment Relations Unit
Exploring new way to better protect whistleblowers

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